Minggu, 17 Maret 2013


finally, this is the climax of my teeth's matter. this is even worse than when I had set up orthodontic braces in my jaws few years ago. my last molar is growing up terribly. although everyone would say the same. but it just a pain i couldn't bear. when i had brackets on my teeth. there's just slight pain when dentist inject our gum with anesthetic serum to pull my 4 teeth out of my jaw. then i have to endure a month severe sore of tightening bracket curbed my jaws. its like an electrocution everytime your teeth made contact with any extraneous object. but i dare myself. this i prove by eating  steam corn. finally, i enjoy my self having dental braces. this even made me more photogenic. haha

back to molar problem, it's different. it's totally not good looking at all. you can find yourself as violent's victim since your cheek swollen like bomb to explode. people will say " your cheek have been similar to bakpao before, i can't imagine your face blowing up so big" then i'm contemplating what I've been through is all about nuisance that affect my outer appearance. maybe Allah wants to reminds me that outer apperance is nothing compare to soul, mind, and belief. and this is relly slap me right on my face. i always worry why acne exist, why i can't grow higher and thinner. i shlud be thankful what He gave to me. many people couldn't live their life normally. i do.

i've been experienced many times of molar growth, not as much as this pain. maybe last but not least. then i think, it would be better if i have to run into some broken heart than broken teeth, unlike song told us :I

2 komentar:

Raisha Nurul Ichsanti mengatakan...

The gowth of my last molar was so hurt too. And it ended up in surgery room. -____-'

Be strong milki ! :D

Milki Izza mengatakan...

Alhamdulillah, i got some medicines from the dentist 2 weeks ago. thanks god the pain is relieved. however, it could relapse again some time, dentist said. though I rethink about having surgery. i'm still trembling think about it. you're very brave! :D

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