Minggu, 21 April 2013

Well Praying, Well Living: why not together?

in my long long spare time this 6 months i've faced diverse types of people who enjoying their time in many ways. i get 3 different types of people especially my alumnee pals doing in this reses time. first people who have more sentimentil side and don't wanna miss every single thing with familiy and beloved people that will be so precious when they have to start the duty. they who will be so considerable about having hard work in internship that seize familiy quality.

second, of course the opposite of the first one, people don't wanna miss every single thing chance that could be their big step to actualize theirselves. it's good for people who can't sit and flip their hand while others are trying to lift up their personal qualities. right after there's chance, they will grab it fast no matter what. it's only for people who can't sweetly idle and always thirst of something new.

third, people who look the chance as another way to make own living budget steadily. they not only want to get new experience and knowledge but also as a fix career. it's most probable that they will take down the official bundled service as the duty for having enrolled in STAN. they will be looking for the fastest way to get bucks per bucks though it means quitting the job agreement with the governement. 30 millions rupiah is just piece of cake. they are workaholic that maybe having head set up with the target not with the some humanity needs. we can rudely say they're called profit hunter.

it's depend on you meaning the life. either for getting at the highest position with all of the previleges or be happy with someone beloved in full blessed life and consistenly increasing curve of faith in Allah. i prefer the second since it's will lead us to be success in world and the after life.

Islam teach us to forever always believes in Allah, implementing the command and leaving the prohibition. Islam also want us to take Prophet Muhammad SAW as a role model in every step of our life. therefore, Al Qur'an and Al Hadits surely be our guidance. yet Islam want us to pray all the time then forgetting worldly matter? absolutely not. Allah through Qur'an says

Dan carilah pada apa yang telah dianugerahkan Allah kepadamu (kebahagiaan) negeri akhirat, dan janganlah kamu melupakan bahagianmu dari (kenikmatan) duniawi dan berbuat baiklah (kepada orang lain) sebagaimana Allah telah berbuat baik, kepadamu, dan janganlah kamu berbuat kerusakan di (muka) bumi. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat kerusakan.(Q.S. al-Qashas:77)

Allah wants us to find the balance between worldly and after life needs. Nabi Muhammad SAW was very displease with people pursuing one of them by way of ignoring others. more over whoever that become burden to others in case of collecting sustenance. they're supposed not to be dependant to others by making excuse concentrating in rohaniah. 

different with people who feel like satisfied with their effort to be success and forgetting who gave them all of that. they think it's only their hardwork get all the convenients. Allah the one and only factor you can pass through all of the harmness and reach the top. we have to be grateful and doing our duty as His creature. we are too tiny facing Him. don't try to act so arrogant and over yourself. it will kill you

Rasulullah said :Kerjakanlah urusan duniamu seakan-akan kamu hidup selama-lamanya. Dan laksanakan akhiratmu seakan-akan kami akan mati besok” (H.R. Ibnu Asakir).
but if you have run both of them consistently, it's better to give more attention to after life side where we live everlasting at. pursuing world is never ending story. as long as we have established beautifully iman and worldly and after life is human's fitrah. we can't avoid it to get His blessing. ang this is my goal, succeed in career and life and as Allah's creature to be obedient and istiqomah to do His command

i don't want to be profit hunter who became liberalism and modernism's slave, nor a extrem calm and patient person who stay zikir for almost her life.  i want to be successfell woman career that could syiar to others. aamiin insya Allah :)

happy milad for me. my time is not longer left. i supposed to be reach my worldly career. but here's i am. i want to encourage my after life career, cause this time is rare for me. Milad doesn'always to be so glamour, it also be your contemplatiton what you've done for yourself and others. and the most important this, what you've done to your owner, Allah. cause we won't know when our time is up is this beautiful yet full of damage temptation world.

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