Hei, finally I came back from the isolated cave (you can say it when you have been lost from a long long time :p) i can't say that my work now is my excuse to stay away from my online sharing here. however, maybe I'm the one of a mainstream group to think that work is all. work has really seized your time, your leisure time. alhamdulillah, I'm still able to handle my other interest, which is cooking. i force myself to spare time on a weekend at least to do culinary journey or culinary experiment. thus, my parents supported me by providing a lot of baking stuff that's required
actually, I've cooked several receipt since i disappear here. but I'm too lazy to collect my random notes to post here. so, i'm gonna give you my latest experiment that may help you to vary your wish cooking list :)
yeah, nowadays i challenge myself to make some tender and moist bread that you can't forget in your whole life :p then i realize that i have few main obstacle to grant it. first, there are no sufficient oven for bread. my mom only has otang (oven tangkring) or you can say oven that 'nangkring' on gas stove :p we used to adapt how to handle it because there are no temperature panel we can adjust, so it's all about feeling. next, my worries is about how to knit the dough. if you ever make a bread dough, you'll know the greatness of a woman as a superhero to conquer the dough. i mean conquer explicitly. cause we have to fight against the dough till it's soft and elastic. in professional field, there are a very useful invention called bread-maker mixer. it's a wonder for woman cause there are no such thing as sweaty and exhausted because of baking. just press the button and you can still enjoy your favorite tv show :))
then i make an investigation through google to find the most reasonable receipt that we don't need to make a lot of struggle to serve delicious bread for our family. i found receipt that no need knitting! yeah, alhamdulillah ya Allah :)) This Receipt is from one of post in facebook culinary group, Natural Cooking Club. It is the kinds of lifestyle society that little obsessed in cooking. we share tips, we invent new receipt, and sometimes we make deal of a business :) I don't remember the url link about this receipt but i do for the author. this is Nikmatul Rosidah, a housewife of an foreigner staying abroad that always bring Indonesia culture in every her food. actually, I just take her base sweet bread receipt for my dream of dream bread, Cofee Bun. Roti B*y, a bread franchise that resembles the delightful of coffee :9 though i really dislike coffee cause of my tiny tolerance in coffee. the receipt consist of 2 part, first we have to make the basic bread then composing the topping. i write the topping first in case you have no wait to know what kinds of coffee topping it is. no need to babling around, check this formula below. feel free to make suggestion and critics. I'm (rather) open minded-person :p
here's the original version of receipt (in Indonesia yes, to show our nationality not an excuse for doing double job by translate to English :p
Untuk Topping.
-50 gram gula halus(saya pakai gula pasir)
-50 gram gula palem ( saya tidak pakai)
-80 gram telur (ga saya timbang. Pakai 1 butir telur)
-130 gram terigu protein rendah (saya pakai tepung beras)
-100 gram mentega
-5 gram kopi instant
-5 gram essence kopi (saya tidak pakai)
-50 gram gula halus(saya pakai gula pasir)
-50 gram gula palem ( saya tidak pakai)
-80 gram telur (ga saya timbang. Pakai 1 butir telur)
-130 gram terigu protein rendah (saya pakai tepung beras)
-100 gram mentega
-5 gram kopi instant
-5 gram essence kopi (saya tidak pakai)
1. Mentega
dan gula halus dikocok hingga warnanya pucat, lalu tambah gula palem
2. Masukkan
telur, kocok hingga bercampur, masukkan tepung beras sedikit demi sedikit.
3. Beri
Kopi instant yang sudah dilarutkan dan essence kopi. Setelah bercampur dan
konsistensi sekental butter cream, masukkan ke dalam piping bag
4. Siapkan
roti Bun yang sdh mengembang.taruh topping diatas roti dengan cara menyemprotkan secara spiral
seperti obat nyamuk dimulai dari tengah sampai ke pinggir. Panggang roti sampai
warna kuning kecoklatan, sekitar 15 menit (jika menggunakan oven listrik) dengan
suhu 200 derajat.
Sweet Roll Bun.
- 1 1/4 cup,(300 Ml)susu segar hangat.
- 11 gram Ragi kering untuk roti.
- 50 gram gula putih
- 1 telur,suhu ruang
- 56 g unsalted butter suhu ruang,lembutkan dgn garpu.
- 1 sdt garam.
- 450 g tepung terigu,protein sedang,diayak.
- sedikit butter ,lelehkan=untuk poles sesudah roti matang.
Cara saya:
- 11 gram Ragi kering untuk roti.
- 50 gram gula putih
- 1 telur,suhu ruang
- 56 g unsalted butter suhu ruang,lembutkan dgn garpu.
- 1 sdt garam.
- 450 g tepung terigu,protein sedang,diayak.
- sedikit butter ,lelehkan=untuk poles sesudah roti matang.
Cara saya:
1. Tuangkan
Susu hangat (jangan terlalu panas karena bisa mematikan Ragi)ke dalam mangkok
lalu tuangkan ragi.biarkan selama 5 menit.
2. Masukkan
gula, telur, butter, dan garam. campur sampai rata
3. Masukkan
tepung, aduk sampai adonan campur. Tutup mangkok dengan plastik.diamkan biar
mengembang sampai 2 x lipat.sekitar 1 jam.
4. Kempiskan
adonan lalu tutup lagi.saya kempiskan cuma sekali. Setelah itu bagi adonan
sesuai selera. saya menimbang seberat 35
gr untuk setiap adonan
5. Bentuk
adonan menjadi bulat. Istirahatkan sampai mengembang menjadi 2 x lipat dari
ukuran semula sebelum dibubuhi topping