firstly, i wanna say happy Eid Adha for you moslem all over the world, may Allah always give his guidance to us knowing the meaning of sacrifation and live only for hereafter life. Nabi Ibrahim and Nabi Ismail taught us to be more generous and loyal to Allah, it's truly a belief. Belief that Allah will give us the best we need, not what we want. finally, they're so sincere laying their life to Allah, only to Allah. and that's it, Allah admitted their loyalty and aborted all the command to Ibrahim and Ismail cause it was proven as well.
as long as i live, i always spend my Adha holiday staying at home leisurely as if it didn't occurs anything unless Ied pray after subuh to the neighbourhood mosque simultaneously. after praying, we do som. however, time by time i grow up at least interacted with many people around me, i realize that i have participated nothing to the society. i feel i just 'stay in for myself with society aparted from me. for all my good sake.
then i heightened my guts and desire to